Well put. I was grateful to get a little reminder, a little booster shot. I'm just hoping that I have taken it sufficiently to heart.
(I'm assuming you see the red X under 'Dogmatic' and the green check mark under 'Humble').
Hobby-hacking Eric
> nexts g (l,h) = unfoldr nxt (g,l,h)
> where
> nxt (_,l,h) | l >= h = Nothing
> nxt (g,l,h) = let (r,g2) = randomR (l,h) g
> glh2 = (g2, l + 1, h)
> in Just (r, glh2)
> nexts2 g (l,h) = map (\x -> fst $ randomR (x,h) g) [l..h-1]
> nexts g (l,h) = unfoldr nxt (g,l,h)
> where
> nxt (_,l,h) | l >= h = Nothing
> nxt (g,l,h) = let (r,g2) = randomR (l,h) g
> glh2 = (g2, l + 1, h)
> in Just (r, glh2)
> nexts2 g (l,h) = map (\x -> fst $ randomR (x,h) g) [l..h-1]
import Data.List ( sort )
import System.Random ( Random, RandomGen, randoms, getStdGen )
main :: IO ()
main =
do gen <- getStdGen
interact $ unlines . unsort gen . lines
unsort :: (Ord x, RandomGen g) => g -> [x] -> [x]
unsort g es = [ y | (_,y) <- sort $ zip rs es ]
where rs = randoms g :: [Integer]
, you don't get scrambling for the relevant bits (ii) this requires Ord x, which it really ought not to (although that is ani improvement from the array thing where I had to lock the type down for some reason)
import Data.List ( sort )
import System.Random ( Random, RandomGen, randoms, getStdGen )
main :: IO ()
main =
do gen <- getStdGen
interact $ unlines . unsort gen . lines
unsort :: (Ord x, RandomGen g) => g -> [x] -> [x]
unsort g es = [ y | (_,y) <- sort $ zip rs es ]
where rs = randoms g :: [Integer]
, you don't get scrambling for the relevant bits (ii) this requires Ord x, which it really ought not to (although that is ani improvement from the array thing where I had to lock the type down for some reason)> import Data.Ix ( Ix )Our objective is to scramble a list. To do this we convert the list into a mutable array and scramble it in place. This consists of traversing the array from left to right, swapping each element N with a random element from N to the end of the array.
> import Data.List ( unfoldr )
> import Data.Array.MArray ( MArray, getElems, newListArray, readArray, writeArray )
> import System.Random ( mkStdGen, getStdGen, Random, RandomGen, random, randomR )
> import Data.Array.IO
> main :: IO ()
> main =
> do gen <- getStdGen
> ins <- lines `fmap` getContents
> outs <- unsort gen ins
> putStr . unlines $ outs
The swapping itself is pretty straightforward. We swap the element at the
> unsort :: RandomGen g => g -> [String] -> IO [String]
> unsort g es =
> do arr <- newListArray (l,h) es :: IO (IOArray Int String)
> unsortH arr l idxs >>= getElems
> where
> idxs = nexts g (l,h)
> (l, h) = (1, length es)
And here is how we generate that list of random indices. It is a list [ rM, r(M+1), ..., rN ] where rX is a random number from X to N... Hmm... I'm pretty sure this can be greatly cut down
> unsortH :: (MArray a e m, Num i, Ix i) => a i e -> i -> [i] -> m (a i e)
> unsortH arr c [] = return arr
> unsortH arr c (r:rs) =
> do rElem <- readArray arr r
> cElem <- readArray arr c
> writeArray arr c rElem
> writeArray arr r cElem
> unsortH arr (c+1) rs
> nexts :: (RandomGen g, Num n, Ord n, Random n, Ix n) => g -> (n,n) -> [n]
> nexts g (l,h) = unfoldr nxt (g,l,h)
> where
> nxt (_,l,h) | l >= h = Nothing
> nxt (g,l,h) = let (r,g2) = randomR (l,h) g
> glh2 = (g2, l + 1, h)
> in Just (r, glh2)
> import Data.Ix ( Ix )Our objective is to scramble a list. To do this we convert the list into a mutable array and scramble it in place. This consists of traversing the array from left to right, swapping each element N with a random element from N to the end of the array.
> import Data.List ( unfoldr )
> import Data.Array.MArray ( MArray, getElems, newListArray, readArray, writeArray )
> import System.Random ( mkStdGen, getStdGen, Random, RandomGen, random, randomR )
> import Data.Array.IO
> main :: IO ()
> main =
> do gen <- getStdGen
> ins <- lines `fmap` getContents
> outs <- unsort gen ins
> putStr . unlines $ outs
The swapping itself is pretty straightforward. We swap the element at the
> unsort :: RandomGen g => g -> [String] -> IO [String]
> unsort g es =
> do arr <- newListArray (l,h) es :: IO (IOArray Int String)
> unsortH arr l idxs >>= getElems
> where
> idxs = nexts g (l,h)
> (l, h) = (1, length es)
And here is how we generate that list of random indices. It is a list [ rM, r(M+1), ..., rN ] where rX is a random number from X to N... Hmm... I'm pretty sure this can be greatly cut down
> unsortH :: (MArray a e m, Num i, Ix i) => a i e -> i -> [i] -> m (a i e)
> unsortH arr c [] = return arr
> unsortH arr c (r:rs) =
> do rElem <- readArray arr r
> cElem <- readArray arr c
> writeArray arr c rElem
> writeArray arr r cElem
> unsortH arr (c+1) rs
> nexts :: (RandomGen g, Num n, Ord n, Random n, Ix n) => g -> (n,n) -> [n]
> nexts g (l,h) = unfoldr nxt (g,l,h)
> where
> nxt (_,l,h) | l >= h = Nothing
> nxt (g,l,h) = let (r,g2) = randomR (l,h) g
> glh2 = (g2, l + 1, h)
> in Just (r, glh2)
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![]() | In this advanced Haskell tutorial, we will implement a significant subset of Scheme together. We assume no prior knowledge; however, we will be going fast. So if you're feeling ambitious, why don't you Write Yourself a Scheme in 48 Hours? |
![]() | In this advanced Haskell tutorial, we will implement a significant subset of Scheme together. We assume no prior knowledge; however, we will be going fast. So if you're feeling ambitious, why don't you Write Yourself a Scheme in 48 Hours? |